A piece from my solo exhibit "Be My Valentine, Bitch" at VESS in Copenhagen February 2012.

The statement “Tak for lort bitch” means “Thanks for all your shit bitch”, nice huh? It was an exboyfriend’s last words to me. So articulate concidering he was a communication major. I guess I had been kind of a cow, but that was indeed well deserved and totally in order.

You’ll be sitting there thinking “This woman is insane!” (jury is still out on that one) “why did she spend all this time on something that stupid?”. Well, you might be right. The very first piece I did was meant as a kind of reply (although only to myself, not to him) because I never did say anything quite as original back. Then as I had let it all go and felt really good, I thought it such a shame to stop the process and people started saying I should do an exhibit. And so I did! So the exhibit is more about turning the negative in your life into positive and the contrast between doing something really ugly in a very time consuming and meticulous way. Or like they say: when life gives you lemons, ask for salt and tequila!

Piece measuring 95 x 110 cm knitted in purple wool yarn.